Registered as a Psychologist in both the UK and Australia, Kyla has experience in assisting individuals, couples and communities in addressing mental health.
Though each intervention will vary as per your strengths and preferences, each session is person centred, and your own experiences and expertise will be utilised. Theories that are generally drawn upon include - but are not limited to - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Solution Focused Brief Therapy, with the inclusion of psycho-education. During sessions we will build an understanding of your situation through conversation and assessment. We will identify triggers, problem solve and discuss new skills to self-soothe and successfully navigate the difficulties you have been facing.
Sessions are unprejudiced and non-judgemenal, and everyone is fully accepted and wholeheartedly welcomed.
If you would like to know more, please contact Kyla at