A complimentary 20 minute consultation is offered to each individual who is considering engaging, allowing us to meet, & discuss what it is that you would like to address. This commitment-free session provides a relaxed setting in which you can get an idea of the way that I work & whether or not we feel that it would be a ‘good fit’, as a good rapport is essential.

If you choose to continue, we can schedule face to face session in the office in Henley-on-Thames, or video, or telephone based sessions from the comfort of your own home.

Each session is 55 mins, and costs range from £92 for self-funding clients, to £110 for those being seen through Bupa. If this price is unattainable for you, please get in contact to discuss options.

There is also the option for presentations, consultations, or inclusion in discussions at interest groups, events, schools & workplaces, about mental health & psychology. Please get in contact in order to discuss details further.

Workshops in ‘self-care, sleep & relaxation’ are also offered from time to time, & more information on these can be found on the ‘workshops’ page above.
